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Folder Templates

November 18, 2024


Folder Templates allow you to easily create sets of folders for multiple clients, making it simple to have consistent structure for your files in MangoShare.

Accessing Folder Templates

You can access Folder Templates via Firm Settings.

  1. Click Firm Settings.
  2. Click the Folder Templates tab.

Setting Up Folder Templates

You can select how many Folder Templates are Showing per page in increments of 25, 50, or 100. The << Previous and Next >> buttons can be used to move between pages.

The Search field can be used to locate records containing specific text. To clear the search, delete the text from the field.

You can search for records containing specific text within a column by selecting the check box in the column header and entering the text. To clear the search, clear the check box from the column header.

Adding New Folder Templates

You can add new Folder Templates from the Folder Templates List.

  1. Click New Template.
  2. Optionally specify a Description.
  3. Select New Folder and enter a name for the Folder Template.
  4. Optionally click Add to add one or more subfolders.
  5. Click Create Template.

Editing Folder Templates

You can edit Folder Templates from the Folder Templates List.

  1. Click the icon and select Update, or click in the Name column of the template you want to edit.
  2. Optionally change the Description.
  3. Select any folder to update the name, click Add to add one or more subfolders, click Delete to remove the subfolder, or click Permissions to change who has access to the folder and the files it contains.
  4. Click Update Template.

Deleting Folder Templates

You can delete Folder Templates from the Folder Templates List.

  1. Click the icon and select Delete.
  2. Confirm you want to delete the Folder Template.

You can archive subfolders, but can’t delete them. Once archived, subfolders can be restored.

To archive a subfolder

  1. In the Name column, click the template you want to edit.
  2. Click the folder you want to archive.
  3. Click Delete. The subfolder name will turn red.
  4. Click Update Template.

To restore a subfolder

  1. In the Name column, click the template you want to edit.
  2. Click the folder you want to restore.
  3. Click Restore.
  4. Click Update Template.

Assigning Folder Templates to Clients

You can assign Folder Templates to clients one of two ways via Workspaces.

To assign a Folder Template to a single client

  1. Click Workspaces Workspaces.
  2. In the Workspace Name column, click on a client.
  3. Click the Files tab.
  4. Click New Folder.
  5. Click Apply folder template.
  6. Click Select folder template.
  7. Select the desired Folder Template.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Optionally Associate with the template.
  10. Click Apply Template.

To assign a Folder Template to multiple clients

  1. Click Workspaces Workspaces.
  2. Select the check box next to each client to which you want to apply a Folder Template.
  3. Click Apply Template.
  4. Click Apply folder template.
  5. Click Select folder template.
  6. Select the desired Folder Template.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Optionally Associate with the template.
  9. Click Apply Template.

Note: When you associate with the template, changes made to the Folder Template will be made to the associated client.

See It in Action

Learn More

The following knowledge base articles contain additional information relating to Folder Templates: